

2014.1201 - 1207 新片更新


BD50 藍光電影
B50M0306 - [英] 冒牌條子 (Let's Be Cops) (2014)
B50M0305 - [英] 猩球崛起 - 黎明的進擊 3D (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D) (2014) <快門3D>

BD25 藍光電影
B25M1835 - [日] 羅馬浴場 2 (Thermae Romae II) (2014)
B25M1834 - [英] 移動迷宮 (The Maze Runner) (2014)
B25M1833 - [英] 猩球崛起 - 黎明的進擊 3D (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D) (2014) <2D + 快門3D>
B25M1822 - [英] 美味不設限 (The Hundred-Foot Journey) (2014)
B25M1821 - [英] 超時空攔截 (Predestination) (2014)
B25M1816 - [英] 絕命代理 (Proxy) (2013)
B25M1815 - [泰] 水男骸 (The Swimmers) (2014)
B25M1812 - [韓] 非常警探 (A Hard Day) (2014)
B25M1811 - [德] 血染黑暗谷 (The Dark Valley) (2014)
B25M1806 - [英] 橫衝直撞大逃亡 (Sugarland Express) (1974)
B25M1805 - [英] 決鬥 (Duel) (1971)
B25M1796 - [中] 男人不可以窮 (Golden Brother) (2014)
B25M1795 - [英] 獵鷹上升 (Falcon Rising) (2014)
B25M1769 - [英] 華府風雲 (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington) (1939)
B25M1766 - [日] 庫洛魔法使 - 被封印的卡片 (Cardcaptor Sakura The Movie 2 - The Sealed Card) (2000)
B25M1759 - [英] 屍蹤狂想曲 (The Big White) (2005)
B25M1758 - [中] 七福將 (Seven Warriors) (1989)
B25M1775 - [日] 超人力霸王迪卡 - 最終聖戰 (Ultraman Tiga - The Final Odyssey) (2000)
B25M1773 - [日] 禮物 (Gift) (2014)

B25M1819 - [英] 江湖浪子 (The Hustler) (1961)
B25M1818 - [英] 霹靂嬌娃 2 - 全速進攻 (Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle) (2003)
B25M1817 - [英] 霹靂嬌娃 (Charlie's Angels) (2000)
B25M1814 - [日] 東京教父 (Tokyo Godfathers) (2003)
B25M1813 - [日] 千年女優 (Millennium Actress) (2001)
B25M1808 - [韓] 鐵線蟲入侵 (Deranged) (2012)
B25M1807 - [英] 與狼共舞 (Dances With Wolves) (1990)
B25M1800 - [中] 黑社會 2- 以和為貴 (Election 2) (2006)
B25M1799 - [中] 黑社會 (Election) (2005)
B25M1798 - [英] 他不笨,他是我爸爸 (I am Sam) (2001)
B25M1797 - [英] 忍者刺客 (Ninja Assassin) (2009)
B25M1794 - [英] 血紅帽 (Red Riding Hood) (2011)
B25M1793 - [中] 嫁個100分男人 (Marrying Mr Prefect) (2012)
B25M1791 - [英] 貝武夫 - 北海的詛咒 (Beowulf) (2007)
B25M1790 - [英] 桂河大橋 (The Bridge on the River Kwai) (1957)
B25M1789 - [日] 白兔玩偶 (Bunny Drop) (2011)
B25M1788 - [英] 愛國者遊戲 (Patriot Games) (1992)
B25M1787 - [挪] 獵頭遊戲 (Headhunters) (2011)
B25M1786 - [英] 天外封鎖線 (Lockout) (2012)
B25M1785 - [英] 獵殺幽靈寫手 (The Ghost Writer) (2010)
B25M1784 - [英] 倒數第二個男朋友 (Good Luck Chuck) (2007)
B25M1783 - [英] 第一武士 (The First Knight) (1995)
B25M1782 - [英] 舞孃俱樂部 (Burlesque) (2010)
B25M1781 - [英] 惡夜特警隊 (Brooklyn's Finest) (2009)
B25M1780 - [英] 世界異戰 (World Invasion - Battle Los Angeles) (2011)
B25M1772 - [英] 靈異航班 (Passengers) (2008)
B25M1771 - [法] 鵬程千萬里 (Winged Migration) (2001)
B25M1768 - [英] 蒐屍魔 (The Collection) (2012)
B25M1767 - [英] 蒐屍魔前傳 (The Collector) (2009)
B25M1765 - [日] 庫洛魔法使 - 小櫻的香港之旅 (Cardcaptor Sakura The Movie) (1999)
B25M1760 - [英] 殺無赦 (Unforgiven) (1992)
B25M1757 - [英] 提姆波頓之地獄新娘 (Corpse Bride) (2005)
B25M1756 - [中] 大事件 (Breaking News) (2004)

BD25 藍光影集
B25T0682 - [韓] 朝鮮槍手 (Gunman In Joseon) (2014) [Disc 2/2]
B25T0681 - [韓] 朝鮮槍手 (Gunman In Joseon) (2014) [Disc 1/2]