

2015.0323 - 0329 新片更新


BD50 藍光電影
B50M0355 - [英] 愛的萬物論 (Theory of Everything) (2014)
B50M0354 - [英] 馬達加斯加爆走企鵝 (The Penguins of Madagascar) (2015)
B50M0353 - [英] 星際效應 (Interstellar) (2014)

BD25 藍光電影
B25M2363 - [英] 騎粉紅馬 (Ride the Pink Horse) (1947)
B25M2361 - [瑞] 璀璨瞬間 (Everlasting Moments) (2008)
B25M2360 - [日] 殺手烙印 (Branded to Kill) (1967)
B25M2357 - [英] 龍之心 3 - 巫師的詛咒 (Dragonheart 3 - The Sorcerer's Curse) (2015)
B25M2356 - [中] 無人區 (No Man's Land) (2013)
B25M2355 - [中] 奇緣灰姑娘 (Grey Met Shrek) (2014)
B25M2353 - [日] 小野寺姐弟 (Oh Brother, Oh Sister!) (2014)
B25M2349 - [日] Stand By Me 哆啦A夢 (Stand by Me Doraemon) (2014)
B25M2347 - [英] P.S. 我愛妳 (P.S. I Love You) (2007)
B25M2345 - [英] 海洋幻想曲 (Song of the Sea) (2014)
B25M2343 - [英] 關鍵危機 (Rendition) (2007)
B25M2339 - [英] 柏靈頓 - 熊愛趴趴走 (Paddington Bear) (2014)
B25M2338 - [英] 星際效應 花絮碟 (Interstellar Bonus) (2014)
B25M2337 - [日] 太陽坐落之處 (The Place Where the Sun Sits) (2014)
B25M2336 - [日] 18歲的盛夏告白 (Au revoir l'ete) (2014)

B25M2365 - [瑞] 莫妮卡 (Summer with Monika) (1953)
B25M2364 - [法] 夏日時光 (Summer Hours) (2008)
B25M2362 - [英] 赤裸 (Naked) (1993)
B25M2359 - [英] 大陰謀 (All The President's Men) (1976)
B25M2358 - [英] 太陽帝國 (Empire of the Sun) (1987)
B25M2354 - [英] 幽浮魔點 (The Blob) (1958)
B25M2352 - [法] 紅色情深 (Three Colors - Red) (1994)
B25M2351 - [法] 白色情迷 (Three Colors - White) (1994)
B25M2350 - [法] 藍色情挑 (Three Colors - Blue) (1993)
B25M2348 - [英] 神鬼無間 (The Departed) (2006)
B25M2346 - [英] 早餐俱樂部 (The Breakfast Club) (1985)
B25M2344 - [英] 迷走星球 (Zathura) (2005)
B25M2342 - [英] 科洛弗檔案 (Cloverfield) (2008)
B25M2341 - [德] 偽鈔風暴 (The Counterfeiters) (2007)
B25M2340 - [英] 眼鏡蛇 (Cobra) (1986)

BD25 藍光影集
B25T0965 - [日] 離婚女律師 (Rikon Bengoshi) (2004)
B25T0964 - [日] 幸福送行者 (Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata) (2012)
B25T0963 - [日] 共食同寢住一起 (Kuu Neru Futari Sumu Futari) (2014)
B25T0962 - [日] 年輕人們 (All About My Siblings) (2014)
B25T0961 - [英] 靈聽 第三季 (The Listener S03) (2012)
B25T0960 - [英] 靈聽 第二季 (The Listener S02) (2011)
B25T0959 - [英] 靈聽 第一季 (The Listener S01) (2009)
B25T0953 - [英] 馬可波羅 第一季 (Marco Polo S01) (2014)
B25T0952 - [日] 灰姑娘拉警報 (Last Cinderella) (2013)
B25T0951 - [英] 火線警探 第五季 (Justified S05) (2014)
B25T0950 - [日] 軍師官兵衛 (Gunshi Kanbee) (2014) [Disc 3/3]
B25T0949 - [日] 軍師官兵衛 (Gunshi Kanbee) (2014) [Disc 2/3]
B25T0948 - [日] 軍師官兵衛 (Gunshi Kanbee) (2014) [Disc 1/3]
B25T0947 - [英] 犯罪心理 第二季 (Criminal Minds S02) (2006) [Disc 2/2]
B25T0946 - [英] 犯罪心理 第二季 (Criminal Minds S02) (2006) [Disc 1/2]

B25T0958 - [韓] 那年冬天,風在吹 (That Winter, The Wind Blows) (2013) [Disc 2/2]
B25T0957 - [韓] 那年冬天,風在吹 (That Winter, The Wind Blows) (2013) [Disc 1/2]
B25T0954 - [英] 浴血黑幫 第一季 (Peaky Blinders S01) (2013)