

2015.0928 - 1004 新片更新


BD50 藍光電影
B50M0408 - [英] 麻辣賤諜 (SPY) (2015)
B50M0407 - [英] 2015 大明星小跟班 (Entourage) (2015)

BD25 藍光其他
B25R0148 - Pioneer KURO Demo Contents 2008 Summer 藍光測試碟
B25R0147 - Pioneer KURO Demo Contents 2007 藍光測試碟
B25R0143 - 野性蘭嶼 (Spirits of Orchid Island)
B25R0136 - 狂野美洲 (Untamed Americas) [Disc 2/2]
B25R0135 - 狂野美洲 (Untamed Americas) [Disc 1/2]
B25R0133 - DTS Blu-ray Music Demo Disc 12 藍光測試碟

B25R0149 - Pioneer The KURO Experience Disc 2008 藍光測試碟
B25R0146 - 九寨溝 (Jiuzhaigou)
B25R0145 - 魅惑的中國鐵道風景 (Charming Chinese Steam Locomotives)
B25R0144 - 人類首次太空飛行50週年 (First Orbit)
B25R0142 - 美麗南太平洋 (South Pacific) [Disc 2/2]
B25R0141 - 美麗南太平洋 (South Pacific) [Disc 1/2]
B25R0140 - 恐龍星球 (Planet Dinosaur)
B25R0139 - 來自台灣的明信片 (The Postcards From Formosa)
B25R0138 - 鳥目台灣 (Taiwan From The Air)
B25R0137 - 地球公轉驚異奇航 (Orbit - Earth's Extraordinary Journey)
B25R0134 - 實境之旅 - 空撮 東京絕景 (Virtual Trip - Tokyo Daylight From The Air)
B25R0132 - 太陽系絕妙奇景 (Wonders of the Solar System) [Disc 2/2]
B25R0131 - 太陽系絕妙奇景 (Wonders of the Solar System) [Disc 1/2]

BB0099 - [中] 我是奮青 (Fighting Youth) (2015)[搶鮮版]
BB0098 - [中] 太平輪 - 驚濤摯愛 (The Crossing 2) (2015)[搶鮮版]
BB0097 - [中] 三城記 (A Tale of Three Cities) (2014)[搶鮮版]
BB0096 - [中] 戀愛中的城市 (Cities In Love) (2015)[搶鮮版]