

2015.1012 - 1018 新片更新


BD50 藍光電影
B50M0414 - [英] 陰兒房第 3 章 - 從靈開始 (Insidious Chapter 3) (2015)
B50M0413 - [英] 加州大地震 3D (San Andreas 3D) (2015) <2D + 快門3D>
B50M0412 - [英] 世界大對戰 3D (Pixels 3D) (2015) <快門3D>
B50M0411 - [英] 世界大對戰 (Pixels) (2015)

BD25 藍光電影
B25M3155 - [法] 貝禮一家 (La Famille Belier) (2014)
B25M3154 - [日] 新宿天鵝 (Shinjuku Swan) (2015)
B25M3153 - [英] 從地心竄出 5 (Tremors 5) (2015)
B25M3152 - [日] 發誓不會忘記你 (Forget Me Not) (2015)
B25M3151 - [英] 嘻哈宅男真藥命 (Dope) (2015)
B25M3150 - [英] 我唾棄你的墳墓 3 (I Spit on Your Grave 3) (2015)
B25M3149 - [英] 冒牌情緣 (Man Up) (2015)
B25M3148 - [英] 我們的故事未完待續 (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl) (2015)
B25M3147 - [英] 海豹突擊隊大戰僵屍 (Navy SEALs vs. Zombies) (2015)
B25M3146 - [英] 道路艱難 (Road Hard) (2015)
B25M3145 - [英] 海軍忠犬馬克斯 (Max) (2015)
B25M3144 - [中] 精裝追女仔 3 (The Romancing Star III) (1989)
B25M3143 - [中] 精裝追女仔 2 (The Romancing Star II) (1988)
B25M3142 - [中] 精裝追女仔 (The Romancing Star) (1987)
B25M3141 - [中] 洪拳大師 (Opium and the Kung-Fu Master) (1984)
B25M3140 - [中] 靈界風雲 (Prince of the Sun) (1990)
B25M3139 - [中] 教頭 (The Kung-Fu Instructor) (1979)
B25M3138 - [英] 殺手壕 (The Big Brawl) (1980)
B25M3137 - [日] 所羅門的偽證前篇 - 事件 (Solomon's Perjury 1) (2015)
B25M3136 - [日] 超能對決 (Monsterz) (2014)
B25M3135 - [英] 軍情五處 - 利益之爭 (Spooks - The Greater Good) (2015)
B25M3134 - [韓] 國際市場 (Ode to My Father) (2014)
B25M3133 - [英] 紙上城市 (Paper Towns) (2015)
B25M3132 - [英] 莫莉哈特莉的驅魔 (The Exorcism of Molly Hartley) (2015)
B25M3131 - [英] 末日寂境 (Z for Zachariah) (2015)
B25M3130 - [英] 陌生人 (The Stranger) (2014)
B25M3129 - [韓] 延坪海戰 (Northern Limit Line) (2015)
B25M3128 - [英] 渦輪小子 (Turbo Kid) (2015)
B25M3127 - [英] 絞刑台 (The Gallows) (2015)
B25M3126 - [中] 劍、花、煙雨江南 (To Kill With Intrigue) (1977)
B25M3125 - [中] 中華丈夫 (Heroes of the East) (1979)
B25M3124 - [中] 八道樓子 (7-Man Army) (1976)
B25M3123 - [日] 明烏 (Akegarasu) (2015)
B25M3122 - [日] 超級英雄大戰 GP - 假面騎士3號 (Super Hero Taisen GP - Kamen Rider 3) (2015)
B25M3121 - [英] 小生當差 (The Hard Way) (1991)
B25M3120 - [英] 謀財真要命 (Greedy) (1994)
B25M3119 - [英] 小生護駕 (For Love or Money) (1993)
B25M3115 - [英] 金牌製作人 (The Producers) (2005)
B25M3114 - [日] 暗殺教室 (Assassination Classroom) (2015)
B25M3113 - [日] 再見金錢,前往貧困村 (A Farewell to Jinu) (2015)
B25M3112 - [英] 世界大對戰 3D (Pixels 3D) (2015) <2D + 快門3D>
B25M3111 - [英] 世界大對戰 (Pixels) (2015)

B25M3118 - [英] 飛行世紀 (Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines) (1965)
B25M3117 - [英] 史崔特先生的故事 (The Straight Story) (1999)
B25M3116 - [越] 青木瓜的滋味 (The Scent of Green Papaya) (1993)

BD25 藍光成人
B25X1305 - [日] KIRARI Vol. 111 西条沙羅
B25X1304 - [日] Catwalk Poison Vol. 134 星野千紗
B25X1303 - [日] S Model Vol. 142 藤井なな
B25X1302 - [日] S Model Vol. 141 神尾舞
B25X1301 - [日] S Model Vol. 140 酒井ももか
B25X1300 - [日] LaForet Girl Vol. 61 大島ゆず奈
B25X1299 - [日] LaForet Girl Vol. 60 木村美羽

BB0105 - [英] 腦筋急轉彎 (Inside Out) (2015)[搶鮮版]
BB0104 - [中] 滾蛋吧!腫瘤君 (Go away Mr. Tumor) (2015)[搶鮮版]