BD50 UHD 電影
U50M0951 - [英] 微笑 2 (Smile 2) (2024)
U50M0950 - [英] 猛毒最終章 - 最後一舞 (Venom - The Last Dance) (2024)
U50M0949 - [英] 變形金剛 - 源起 (Transformers One) (2024)
U50M0948 - [英] 荒野機器人 (The Wild Robot) (2024)
U50M0947 - [英] 龍族戰神 - 重生 (The Crow) (2024)
BD25 UHD 電影
U25M0951 - [英] 微笑 2 (Smile 2) (2024)
U25M0950 - [英] 猛毒最終章 - 最後一舞 (Venom - The Last Dance) (2024)
U25M0949 - [英] 變形金剛 - 源起 (Transformers One) (2024)
U25M0948 - [英] 荒野機器人 (The Wild Robot) (2024)
U25M0947 - [英] 龍族戰神 - 重生 (The Crow) (2024)
BD50 藍光電影
B50M1002 - [英] 微笑 2 (Smile 2) (2024)
B50M1001 - [英] 猛毒最終章 - 最後一舞 (Venom - The Last Dance) (2024)
B50M1000 - [英] 變形金剛 - 源起 (Transformers One) (2024)
B50M0999 - [英] 到我們為止 (It Ends with Us) (2024)
BD25 藍光電影
B25M9086 - [英] 微笑 2 (Smile 2) (2024)
B25M9085 - [英] 猛毒最終章 - 最後一舞 (Venom - The Last Dance) (2024)
B25M9084 - [英] 變形金剛 - 源起 (Transformers One) (2024)
B25M9083 - [英] 殭屍回收守則 (We Are Zombies) (2023)
B25M9082 - [英] 黛瑪 (Thelma) (2024)
B25M9081 - [日] 陰陽師 0 (The Yin Yang Master Zero) (2024)
B25M9080 - [英] 荒野機器人 (The Wild Robot) (2024)
B25M9079 - [英] 懼裂 (The Substance) (2024)
B25M9078 - [英] 百鍊成鋼 (The Forge) (2024)
B25M9077 - [英] 龍族戰神 - 重生 (The Crow) (2024)
B25M9076 - [英] 劊樂小丑 3 (Terrifier 3) (2024)
B25M9075 - [英] 劊樂小丑 2 (Terrifier 2) (2022)
B25M9074 - [英] 邪惡勿語 (Speak No Evil) (2024)
B25M9073 - [英] 喜劇大現場 (Saturday Night) (2024)
B25M9072 - [英] 藥命獵車令 (Night Train) (2023)
B25M9071 - [英] 千萬別放手 (Never Let Go) (2024)
B25M9070 - [英] 名模殺機 (Model House) (2024)
B25M9069 - [英] 罪惡對決 (In the Land of Saints and Sinners) (2023)
B25M9068 - [英] 悍將女廚 (High Heat) (2022)
B25M9067 - [日] 非常警探 (Hard Days) (2023)
B25M9066 - [英] 逃出搶錢鎮 (Greedy People) (2024)
B25M9065 - [中] 目中無人 2 (Eye for an Eye 2) (2024)
B25M9064 - [韓] 絕地逃生 (Escape) (2024)
B25M9063 - [西] 毒王女人夢 (Emilia Perez) (2024)
B25M9062 - [英] 弟弟 (Didi) (2024)
B25M9061 - [英] 高校棋蹟 (Critical Thinking) (2020)
B25M9060 - [英] 黑水巷 (Blackwater Lane) (2024)
B25M9059 - [中] 紮職 3 (Triad 3 - The Unwavering Brotherhood) (2024)
B25M9058 - [中] 年少日記 (Time Still Turns the Pages) (2023)
B25M9057 - [日] 快一秒的他 (One Second Ahead, One Second Behind) (2023)
B25M9056 - [韓] 再見,福寶 (My Dearest Fu Bao) (2024)
B25M9055 - [中] 重生 (Go for Broke) (2024)
B25M9054 - [中] 海關戰線 (Customs Frontline) (2024)
B25M9053 - [中] 白晝如焚 (As It Burns) (2024)
B25M9052 - [中] 默殺 - 無聲之地 (A Place Called Silence) (2024)
B25M9051 - [韓] 12.12 - 首爾之春 (12.12 - The Day) (2023)
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