


泰米卡諾夫(Yuri Temirkanov) - Conducts Rachmaninov & Rimsky-Korsakov 音樂會

  • 商品編號:B25V0399
  • 貨  號:B25V0399
  • 所得積分:70
  • 銷售價: NT$70
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產品編號 B25V0399
影片名稱 泰米卡諾夫(Yuri Temirkanov) - Conducts Rachmaninov & Rimsky-Korsakov 音樂會
影片選單 原版選單
碟片規格 BD25 X 1
In its fourth edition, the Annecy Festival has become a major player in the national and international cultural landscape. In residence at the 2013 Annecy Classic Festival, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic closes the festival and joins forces with its iconic conductor Yuri Temirkanov for a 100% Rachmaninov programme! Russian to his very marrow despite his exile in the United States, Sergei Rachmaninov plumbs the depths of the Slavic soul. Temirkanov conducts the orchestra in a performance of Rimsky-Korsakov's lush Sheherazade, with its intoxicating scents and the glowing, oriental colours - a journey through One Thousand and One Nights.

Disc Size: 24,406,133,985 bytes
Length: 2:29:28.426
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: Undetermined / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit

cylin1227說: 16-06-07 08:56
上面文本開頭提到的 Annecy Festival 是指[安錫音樂節];安錫是個靠近瑞士的法國城鎮,以景點優美著稱. 自1997年起開辦音樂節至今頗有名氣, 本場錄影是2013年的重頭戲,邀請到俄羅斯樂壇的一時之選: 指揮家泰米卡諾夫以其率領的聖彼得堡愛樂管弦樂團,並與鋼琴家馬祖耶夫連袂演出拉赫曼尼諾夫的[第二號鋼琴協奏曲],林姆斯基-高沙可夫的[天方夜譚]等俄式經典. 本碟可謂陣容堅強,選曲親民,適合大眾欣賞.